Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Intake Update III

(in addition to Update II)

2 glasses champagne

3 beers

1 piece Obama logo cake

too much barackamole + chips for one session

Still in play

Looking strong


North Carolina


The speech

Game on America

Kind of a cool map

If maps can be cool, this one is.

a box of crayons

it's remarkable to compare the crowds at McCain's rally and Obama's.

McCain dropped his box o' crayons and only picked a few of them back up...

Holy mother of Zeus

So there it is.

I wish I were in Chicago.

It's actually over

for real!

A local gift that keeps on giving

Here in Minnesota, our own rep Michelle Bachman is slightly ahead.

You might know her because she's gone national with her own special brand of insane.

I'll let you know when it's official, at which point she'll say something ludicrous and mildly scary.

intake update II

4 deviled eggs

5 beers

1 chili dog

1 shot vodka (in honor of woman's intuition)

1 bowl chili

& liberal servings of chips and barackamole

A lull in the action

remember earlier today when there was no news?  well we're back in that space.  eklund?  selke?  anyone?

left coast update

The crew out here just tuned into FOX news, these guys will make you depressed even when the Obama is winning...

Dear United States of America

Barack Hussein Obama is the president of the America.

Well, if FOX says it...


oh me oh my oh

look at Miss Ohio.

The socialist republic...

of Minnesota, tender-sweet readers.

intake update

3 beers

4 deviled eggs

& liberal helpings of chips and barackamole

Some news indeed: obama takes pennsylvania?

in what could be the first BIG win of the night, the Wall Street Journal has projected Obama as the winner of Pennsylvania!

There is no god

Elizabeth Dole (Sen-NC) didn't pull the coals from the fire.

the ABC's of the election

Stephanopoulous and the crew at ABC news are running a bit loose this evening.  And that's news fit to print.

Don't gnash your teeth over exit polls

Here's some good stuff to keep early "news" in perspective.

Important news

I'm calling Florida for Obama based, sensitive reader, on "woman's" intuition.

Another take on all this...


Phase Update: "Too Early to Call"

Watching CNN (HD).

Everything is "too early to call."

But I've crunched the numbers. I'm calling Indiana and Ohio. For Obama.

That's news. I'm calling it.

Real interweb news

I mentioned The Uptake earlier, but if you want some seriously cool coverage, that's the place.

In case you forgot the melody....

And ladies and gentlemen...


wait one minute

Wolf Blitzer just humped the leg of the 'hologram' and the 'hologram lady' gave birth to a half hologram- half human child. So, most tender of reader, we might have some news?

The Winds of Change

I'm here at my friend John's house for our election night festivities.

Here in beautiful MN we've had unseasonably nice weather - over 70 degrees today. But the sun has set and the winds are picking up.

At that point, John made the accurate albeit obvious comment: "Those are the winds of change."

In honor of this historic evening, I encourage you and yours and theirs to whistle the lovely opening bars of "Winds of Change." Do it. The universe requires it.

Still NO news

CNN is showing some lady as a "hologram."  Needless to say, still no news.

The vacuum continues

I'm not going to lie. I went golfing for 4 hours.

I figured by the time I got back, the news would be exploding. But as far as I can tell, there is still no news.

That, dear readers, is news.

Good news from the west

is that there's no new news emerging from here, much like the middle portion of the country

Suddenly got the feeling...

That I'm doing this wrong.

Is this thing on? Hello?

No news is good news?

The lack of news has me obsessively checking the news for news...

I promise you this, gentle reader, when it happens we'll get some news up in here.

Breaking News

Subtle signs of the Rapture appear to be rolling in, starting with the unseasonably warm weather, darkening skies, and utter lack of news going on. What's up with that?

Stay tuned...

What are you waiting for?

Personally, I'm going to try to wait until the LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT to cast my vote.

Hoping to be part of the largest political "pump fake" in all election history.

Want to join me? If you're a Republican, please meet outside the poll station not a minute before 7:59pm CST where we can get organized.


Leave comments/recommendations below.

ELDE election wagering lines

Seattle correspondent Nels Elde reporting:

CNN officially calls Obama victory - Over/Under: 7pm PST (10 pm EST). --OVER
Total electoral votes for Obama - Over/Under: 350 --OVER
Popular vote for Obama - Over/Under: 53 -- OVER
Total number of states for McCain - Over/Under: 23 --UNDER
Total number of states for McCain that border a saltwater body vs. number of states for Obama that border the Great Lakes: Pick
· Salty McCain (saltwater states): 4 - South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas (Bonus: Utah)
· Fresh Obama (greatlakes states): 7 - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York
Popular vote margin of victory for Obama in Illinois - Over/Under: 25% -- UNDER


Seattle Correspondent Nels Elde reporting:

Went to my polling location and as I waited to get my ballot the election volunteer spent 20 seconds chatting with the volunteer next to him. Voting took 5 minutes and 20 seconds; could have been done in 5 minutes flat. I stood up for america and didn't let this potential voter fraud tear apart the fabric of our democracy.

Even the local media is experiencing the same thing.

Here's a headline from the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Turnout appeared to be heavy this morning, and voters reportedly encountered few obstacles to making their picks throughout the Twin Cities.

Read the whole story!

How does one cover news on the biggest news day of a generation and there's no news?

Okay. Still no real news.

Just checked.

Can't find any real news. Nothing's really happening. Found any?

So far, No News

I've been combing the internet for hours. There's just no real news happening.

People are waiting in line. But that happens daily at Chipotle. So that's not news.

Find any news?

Your One (to Six) Day News Headquarters

This blog will explode onto the internet, share news, and then most likely disappear. Working with correspondents from Seattle, Minneapolis, Florida, and the other such locales, this will be your one stop shop for a few people's thoughts about other people's thoughts.

For example, we'll watch something as legitimate as The Uptake or Sellke.com and then opine about what other people are saying.

We won't actually be reporting news here. Just acting like it.